The Foundation’s former offices in Prague and Bratislava have become wholly independent, sustainable NGOs:
The Pontis Foundation in Bratislava and Nadace VIA in Prague. They have met with great success since their beginnings in 1997 and are recognized as nonprofit leaders in their countries.
About Via Foundation
Via’s mission is to encourage citizen engagement in community affairs and in philanthropy, primarily in the Czech Republic, and secondarily in other CEE countries.
Via’s vision is a society in which people act freely and courageously, accept responsibility for themselves and their community, and where giving is a regular part of life.
Via provides grant and training opportunities, presents the Via Bona Philanthropy Awards, publishes the Art of Giving philanthropy journal, and operates the online giving tool Through its programs, Via Foundation supports efforts that engage residents in community efforts, strengthen bonds between residents, and increase use of local assets for the good of the community. Over the long-term, this support contributes to growth in community vibrancy, trust between people, bridging social capital and philanthropy.
Via’s end target group are local communities, meaning the diverse spectrum of people who live and/or work in a geographically-defined area. Within these communities, Via works with engaged citizens who have the potential to multiply the effects of support by creating collaborative partnerships with other people and groups. Via focuses particularly on helping community leaders, children and youth, mayors and town councilors and other natural local authorities design, implement and reflect on meaningful community building initiatives.
In the CEE region, Via connects other foundations and NGOs, introduces innovative approaches and helps these organizations incorporate them into their work.
Via’s annual budget is approximately $1.8 million and it has an endowment of $2.9 million. Via Foundation relies solely on private funding sources, including foundations, companies and individuals, and revenues from the Via endowment fund. Via does not have any funding from the Czech government or EU. Via has a paid staff of 20 FTE and 5 volunteers. Via also works closely with its sister organizations: Via Civic Association, Friends of Via in the USA and Via Clarita philanthropy advisory services.
We encourage you to learn more about the work of the Nadace VIA Foundation by visiting their website
Via Foundation History
VIA Foundation was established in 1997 to build on the work of the Czech office of the American Foundation for a Civil Society, which had operated in the country since 1990.
Since 1997, we have supported more than 5,500 projects and initiatives led by people who are improving their communities. We have invested $15.8 million into community and philanthropy projects led by people with great ideas. In tandem with this funding we have provided thousands of hours of inspiration, consultations, mentoring and customized training. We developed and continue to innovate the online giving portal, which has enabled Czech non-profit organizations raise $14.7 million in online gifts from donors.
Over its history, Via Foundation has become one of the leading private supporters of community and philanthropy development in the Czech Republic and in the CEE. Via is recognized as a pioneer in these fields and serves as an advisor to likeminded CSOs in Serbia, Romania and other CEE countries e.g. in fundraising and program design.